Data and Statistics on Down Syndrome | CDCNo resultsNo resultsProcessing results.... What are the racial predilection of Down syndrome? Down syndrome has been reported in people of all races; no racial predilection is known. African American patients with Down syndrome have a much shorter life than white patients with trisomy 21. Related questions:Karmiloff-Smith A, Al-Janabi T, D'Souza H, et al. The importance of understanding individual differences in Down syndrome. F1000Res. 2016. 5: [Guideline] Bull MJ. Health supervision for children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics. 2011 Aug. 128(2):393-406. Lejeune J. Le mongolisme. First example d'aberration autosomique humaine. Ann Genet. 1959. 1:41-9. Jacobs PA, Baikie AG, Court Brown WM, Strong JA. Somatic chromosomes in Mongolianism. Lancet. 1959 Apr 4. 1(7075):710. . Peterson MB, Mikkelsen M. Nondisjunction in trisomy 21: origin and mechanisms. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2000. 91:199-203. Down JL. 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Lois J Starr, MD, Assistant Professor of PHAAP, Clinical Genetics, Munroe Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation, University of Nebraska Medical Center Lois J Starr, MD, FAAP is a member of the following medical societies: , Disclosure: Nothing to reveal. Maria Descartes, MD Professor, Department of Human Genetics and Department of Pediatrics, University of Alabama at the Faculty of Medicine of Birmingham Maria Descartes, MD is a member of the following medical societies: , , , , , , , Disclosure: Nothing to reveal. Harold Chen, MD, MS, FAAP, FACMG professor, Department of Pediatrics, Louisiana State University Medical Center Harold Chen, MD, MS, FAAP, FACMG is a member of the following medical societies: , , , Disclosure: Nothing to reveal. Michael M Henry, MD Fellow in Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine, Children's Hospital at SUNY Downstate Medical Center Michael M Henry, MD is a member of the following medical societies: Brooklyn Pediatric Society Disclosure: Nothing to reveal. James Bowman, Senior Scholar of Maclean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics, Professor Emeritus, Department of Pathology, University of Chicago James Bowman, MD is a member of the following medical societies: , , , and Divulgation: Nothing to reveal. David Flannery, MD, FAAP, FACMG Vice Chair of Education, Chief, Section of Medical Genetics, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Georgia David Flannery, MD, FAAP, FACMG is a member of the following medical societies: and Disclosure: Nothing to reveal. Mary L Windle, PharmD, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Editor-in-Chief, Medscape Drug Reference Disclosure: Nothing to reveal. Find us aboutMembershipWebMD NetworkEditions
Discovering racial inequalities in Down syndromeThe life expectancy for people with Down syndrome varies depending on race, but why? It is estimated that 6000 babies with Down syndrome (DS) are born annually in the United States, making it the most common trisomnia and chromosomal condition. [1] And in recent decades there has been a significant increase in overall life expectancy. [2] However, in investigating mortality changes through a review of nearly 18,000 people in the United States with DS from 1983 to 1997, Quanhe Yang, PhD and colleagues detected a significant racial disparity in life expectancy. [2] They reported life expectancy of 50 years for whites, 25 years for blacks and 10 years for other races. These trends persist even after accounting for the presence of congenital heart disease, which is known as a DS comorbidity. Racial disparity in survival begins early in childhood and persists in childhood. Improved mortality and increased survival in recent decades is observed in individuals with DS of all races, but less in African-Americans. [3] While there is a certain degree of difference in life expectancy by race among the population of the United States as a whole, the magnitude of this racial disparity is greater in the population of the DS. [4]Looking for the ReasonThe comprehensive medical records of 763 children receiving medical care at a specialized clinic of the DS in Cincinnati from 1984 to 2009 were retrospectively revised to find the underlying cause of racial disparity in mortality. [5] As an apprentice in genetics and part of the research team in Cincinnati, I sought the National Death Index (NDI), a centralized database of death registration information in state offices of vital statistics through the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to correlate medical stories with mortality data. [6] We found racial disparity in the use of maternal drugs, hyperbilirubiemia and intubation, but could not easily relate to mortality. Among the children under 5 years of age, we saw significant increases in references to Cardiology for Black children compared to white children. We also saw trends in increasing the incidence of CHD for black children. However, correlations with death records showed no differences in heart-related death rates. We don't detect racial disparity in heart surgery. Although we do not detect significant racial differences in explaining the differences in mortality, it is worth noting the multitude of racial equality in our results. We investigated dozens of factors to try to detect subtle differences but we saw that in general, individuals with DS who are white and black do not differ in these areas. We do not demonstrate a medical basis for racial disparity in life expectancy. This may be due to our small sample size as, luckily, most patients in our database were still living. The number of people of races other than white and black were also few, preventing us from drawing conclusions on other races or ethnic groups. We conclude that, while there is racial disparity in mortality, the underlying cause remains unidentified despite the use of a comprehensive and longitudinal database of people with DS and the examination of death records. Because access to other diseases is known to race, we wonder whether references to Cardiology can be an indicator of racial differences in access to care. [7, 8]New databases could shine the light on the subject In the future, continuous studies with greater sample size are needed and include additional factors. The use of publicly available death history databases could allow a larger sample size, but we would not have been allowed to review detailed information about medical history. However, more recent databases, such as , linking patients with researchers, could correlate information from patient reports with databases such as the National Death Index. The National Children's Hospital has recently joined other sites to create a national clinical database for Down's syndrome. [9] Ideally, if a racially diffuse multicenter database could reproduce racial disparity in life expectancy, it could correlate the details of medical history with mortality information to produce more significant results. References[1] Parker SE, Mai CT, Canfield MA, Rickard R, Wang Y, Meyer RE, et al. . Research of birth defects Part A, Clinical and Molecular Therapy. 2010;88:1008-16.[2] Yang Q, Rasmussen SA, Friedman JM. Lancet. 2002;359:1019-25.[3] Kucik JE, Shin M, Siffel C, Marengo L, Correa A. . Pediatrics. 2013;131:e27-36.[4] Minino AM, Heron MP, Murphy SL, Kochanek KD. Deaths: final data for 2004. National reports of vital statistics: from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National System of Vital Statistics. 2007;55:1-119.[5] Santoro SL, Esbensen AJ, Hopkin RJ, Hendershot L, Hickey F, Patterson B. . The Journal of Pediatrics. 2016. [6] Chase HC. . American Journal of Public Health. 1972;62:719-23.[7] Saunders MR, Lee H, Maene C, Schuble T, Cagney KA. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 2014;1:291-9.[8] Alegria M, Cook B, Loder S, Doonan M. . Newsletter (Mother's Health Policy Forum). 2014:1-53.[9] Lavigne J, Shar C, Ozonoff A, Prock LA, Baumer N, Brasington C, et al. . American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 2015;167A:2520-6. Photo credit: Children from all over the countryMore articles Email Newsletter Sign Up For new content alerts, please subscribe below: We have successfully received your email. Categories

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